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FCS Blog

July 23, 2024
By Megan Dowers

Summer is quickly fading and the new school year is just around the corner. During this time of year it's only
natural to feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. As Christian students and parents, this transitional time
presents us with a unique opportunity to blend academic readiness with spiritual growth. Here are some tips to
prepare for the new school year with faith leading our focus.
1. Pray for Guidance and Strength
Seek God’s guidance and strength first and foremost through prayer. Ask Him to help you navigate the challenges
ahead, to be a light in your school community, and to grow in wisdom and understanding. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds
us to trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding.
2. Set Spiritual Goals
Alongside our academic goals we should be setting spiritual goals for the year. This could include regular Bible
reading, participating in a youth group, or finding ways to serve others. Having clear spiritual objectives can help
keep your faith journey on track amidst the busyness of school life. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the
projects, sport activitie, clubs, etc. - keeping your focus aligned with what the Word of God teaches us will help
everything come together for the better.
3. Stay Connected to Your Church Community
Simply put - regular church attendance is so important. Maintaining a strong connection with your church
community provides a support system that can encourage and uplift you. Engage in church activities, attend
services regularly, and seek fellowship with other believers who can pray with and for you.
4. Reflect Christ in Your Actions
School is an excellent place to live out your faith - especially here at FCS! Strive to show kindness, compassion,
and integrity in all your interactions. Remember Colossians 3:23: "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,
as working for the Lord, not for human masters."
5. Seek Wisdom from Christian Mentors
Identify mentors within your church or Christian community who can offer guidance and support. Their
experiences and wisdom can provide valuable insights as you navigate the school year.
7. Remember God's Promises
Lastly, hold onto the promises of God. Jeremiah 29:11 assures us that God has plans to prosper us and not to harm
us, plans to give us hope and a future. Trust in His promises, and let them be your anchor throughout the school
As you prepare for the new school year, remember that you are not alone. God is with you, guiding and
strengthening you every step of the way. With prayer, purpose, and His presence, you can face the year with
confidence and faith.
Much Love and Prayers,
Mrs. Megan Dowers, Early Education & Extended Care Director

Posted in FCS Blog

FCS Blog

July 08, 2024
By Valerie Rose

Sweet Summer Treats

The intense heat we have experienced the past couple of weeks has called for some cool summertime treats. There is nothing like a cold slice of watermelon, a sweet peach, or a scoop of homemade ice cream on a hot day. These treats are so good, they make us smile and feel refreshed.

These summer goodies remind us of how God takes care of us and gives us good things. But you know what? As tasty as these treats are, there's something even sweeter - knowing Jesus!

The Bible tells us in Psalm 34:8, "Taste and see that the Lord is good." This means that getting to know Jesus is like tasting the best treat ever. His love makes us happy, helps us feel calm when we are worried, and fills our hearts with joy.

While ice cream melts and fruit goes bad, Jesus' love for us never ends. It's always there, no matter what time of year it is.

As you enjoy these last weeks of summer with family and friends, I encourage you to savor not only the delicious foods of the season but also the precious moments spent in God's presence .

I pray that the rest of your summer days are filled with both earthly and heavenly sweetness!

In His joy,

Valerie Rose
Elementary Principal 
Faith Christian School 

FCS Blog

June 03, 2024
By Valerie Rose

Hello Summer!

After all of the hard work our students did during the past school year, they deserve this fun-filled break. But just because they are not in the classroom doesn't mean the learning has to stop!

Summer is the perfect time to make amazing memories with your family. Whether you're going on a road trip, having a backyard camping adventure, or just relaxing at home, there are so many opportunities to have a blast while sneaking in some real-world learning too!

For example, if you're hitting the road with your family, you can practice your math skills by calculating how much money you will need for gas, snacks, and souvenirs. Or you can put your reading skills to the test by taking turns reading the road signs and map directions out loud.

If you're staying closer to home, why not start a summer reading challenge with your siblings or friends? You could even create a fun book club where you discuss and rate the books you've read. Don't forget to thank God for the incredible gift of reading and the ability to learn about His amazing world!

And if you're feeling adventurous, you can combine camping fun with a crash course in nature studies. Go on a nature walk and see how many different kinds of plants, animals, and insects you can identify. Or set up a backyard telescope and learn about the constellations that God has put in the night sky.

The possibilities are endless when you use your creativity and remember that every day is a chance to grow your mind while having a total blast!

So get out there, make wonderful memories with your loved ones, and don't forget to thank the Lord for this incredible summer break. Before you know it, you'll be back in the classroom, feeling refreshed and ready to take on a new year of learning!

Valerie Rose, Ed. S. 
Elementary School Principal
Faith Christian School


FCS Blog

May 13, 2024
By Darcy Turner

A Fond Farewell
I have struggled to decide what I should say in this my last blog. As an elementary school principal
perhaps I should be sharing things you should be doing to prevent the summer slide, but I have
decided to take this opportunity to bid you all a heartfelt farewell.
As I reflect back over my time at FCS my heart is filled with so many memories. If you asked me what
I am going to miss the most or what was the most important thing to me about my position. My
answer to both questions would be the same...RELATIONSHIPS! In my time here I have met so many
wonderful people; young, old, and in between. I have come to believe that time taken to build a
relationship is never wasted. It is not always easy, but it is never time wasted .
So while I am looking forward to not waking up at 5 am and having free time during my days (I
hope) I know that I will miss the relationships that I have built with students, parents, grandparents,
and co-workers the most. I am so grateful for the time that I have spent with the families of FCS and
for all of the memories we have made and shared. I have learned so much and felt loved by all of
My prayer for you all is:
The Lord will always be first in each of your lives
Long lasting friendships will be cultivated because kindness and respect abound
Forgiveness and reconciliation will be given and asked for
A love of learning is cultivated because teachers and parents work together to set and help
students meet high expectations
I hope you all have a wonderful summer. I know our paths will cross again.
Forever in my heart, Darcy
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the
Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26

Proverbs 19:21 reminds us that while we may have many plans, the Lord's purpose ultimately prevails. Almost a year
ago, God unexpectedly placed the plan on my husband's heart for us to move back home, prompting a series of
events that opened doors and made a way for me to become a 5th-grade teacher at Faith Christian School.
Though my journey occasionally involved doubts and fears; my faith, prayer, and church family helped me submit
obediently to God's plan. From earning multiple degrees to serving in various leadership roles over my 16-year
career as an educator, I now see how God was preparing me for this calling which led me to humbly accept the
position as the elementary school principal at Faith.
Mrs. Turner has established a strong academic and spiritual legacy at Faith Christian School. Our charge now is to

build upon that foundation, further glorifying God by nurturing students to become Christ-centered world-
changers. With our eyes fixed on the Lord, we will raise up the next generation "trained in the way they should go"

(Proverbs 22:6).
I am honored and excited to have the opportunity to work with you all - students, parents, faculty, and staff. I look
forward to seeing how God will work in and through our FCS family of faith in the coming year.
Anchored in God's hope, promises, and blessings through Christ Jesus our Savior,
Valerie Rose, Ed. S.
Tested and Refined Isaiah 48:10

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