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FCS Blog

October 14, 2024
By Valerie Rose

Greetings Faith Christian School families,

This month our character trait is TRUSTWORTHY. God is our best example of what it means
to be trustworthy. We can always count on God, and that's a big part of our faith.
Life can be confusing and difficult at times, but we can find strength in God's promises. The
Bible tells us that God is always reliable, always with us, and always working to help us. As
we teach our kids about being trustworthy, let's also help them trust in God's love and


The Bible details many ways in which God is trustworthy as seen in Deuteronomy 7:9
"So know that the Lord your God is God. He is the faithful God, keeping his promise of love
for a thousand lifetimes for those who love him and obey him." This verse shows that God
keeps His promises not just to us, but to many generations after us. His love lasts forever.
In 2 Thessalonians 3:3, we are told we can trust God to make us strong and keep us safe,
especially when things are tough - "But the Lord is faithful. He will make you strong and

guard you from the evil one." -

This tells us that we can trust God to make us strong and keep us safe, especially when

things are tough. - 2 Thessalonians 3:3

Another example of God’s trustworthiness can be found in Proverbs 3:5-6 -
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not depend on your understanding. In all your
ways remember him. Then he will make your paths smooth and straight." - Proverbs 3:5-6,
These verses instruct us to trust God completely. His guidance is perfect, even when we

don't understand everything.

This month, let's think about these truths together. Ask your kids to share times when
they've seen God be faithful. Talk about how we can be trustworthy to others, just like God

is to us.

We hope focusing on trustworthiness will help us all grow in our faith and become closer

as a community.

May God’s blessings, grace, and favor be with you this month.

Valerie Rose, Ed. S.
Principal, FCS Elementary

FCS Blog

October 07, 2024
By David Fereberg

Pray for Us
FCS Blog 7 Oct 24

How many times have you told someone that you would pray for them, and a few hours or a few days
later, you remember that someone asked you to pray? Oftentimes, by that time you have forgotten
exactly what they asked you to pray for. What would you do if I asked you to pray for Faith Christian
School right now? My prayer is that you would take a few minutes and lift us up to our Lord and


We picked the theme Battle Ready this year. We need to be ready to fight against the enemy on a
moment's notice. The time to prepare is not when the enemy shows up, but when there is peace. I
spent most of my life in the Army. Very little of that time was in a combat zone. Most of my career
was training and preparing in case there was a time when I would need to face the enemy and defeat
him. None of that time preparing was wasted. All of it made my unit and me ready to engage with

and defeat the enemy.

There has been a group of us that have met at 7:14 am (because of 2 Chronicles 7:14 which says, “If My
people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from
their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”NIV)
since the first week of school. We started by reading the book Draw the Circle by Mark Batterson. It is
a 40-day prayer challenge we took up to be Battle Ready. We felt it was so needed that we continued
with a book on praying the names of God. We know that we need to put on the full armor of God and
take the battle to the enemy instead of sitting back and waiting for him to come to us.
Faith Christian School is in a battle. Ephesians 6:12 say, “For our struggle is not against flesh and
blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and
against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (NIV). We have had several incidents that
would indicate that we are in a spiritual battle. We have had students, parents, and staff not treating
each other as Christ would like us to. We have had physical illnesses that are out of the ordinary. We
have had family members of staff die in accidents. There has been a heaviness on campus that is

almost palpable.

Last week, the middle and high school had Spiritual Emphasis week. The first day was a short
message followed by a time of prayer. The students responded by pouring out their hearts to God.
Several students recommitted their lives to God. Many others cried out to God to have a deeper
relationship with Him. This is all preparing for and fighting the battle we are all going through. This is
the posture of fighting the enemy. I recently saw a sign that said, “If you can’t stand your life anymore,

get down on your knees and pray.”

I want to leave you with a challenge. I challenged the middle and high school students at the end of
our last chapel, and all of the teachers at our all-staff meeting with this. I ask and challenge you to
pray for FCS as a school, for our students, for our teachers and staff, and for our families for two
minutes each day. You can add it to your regular prayer time. You can pray on your way to school.
You can pray while you are waiting for your child(ren) in the car line. You can pray while you are
making and eating breakfast. I would love to see parents come to school and pray with and for our
students, teachers, and other families or get together and intercede for FCS in each other’s homes or
at the coffee shop. It doesn’t matter when you pray as long as you do. We need all the prayers you

are willing to pray, so we can be Battle Ready.

God Bless,

FCS Blog

September 24, 2024
By Megan Dowers

My Dear FCS Family,
God has been so good - we are entering into a new season! With every season comes change. As many of you know, my husband, daughter, and I
are moving to North Carolina to continue in full-time pastoral ministry. FCS has become my home and I will miss each and every one of you
greatly! We covet your prayers and bid you all a fond farewell. Please also join me in extending a warm welcome to Mrs. Lindsey Wiser, who will
be taking the helm as our new Director of Early Childhood Education & Extended Care...
Mrs. Wiser brings a wealth of experience and a deep passion for fostering young minds. With her background in early childhood education, Mrs.
Wiser has a strong focus on nurturing each child’s curiosity, creativity, and social-emotional development. She believes in building strong
relationships with families and staff to create a collaborative and supportive learning environment.
I know Mrs. Wiser will do an excellent work here at FCS!
I will miss you FCS...
Until we see each other again - ALWAYS go with God.
With all my love, Mrs. Megan Dowers

Greetings FCS Families!
I am so excited for this new journey God has me
on. FCS has been my home for the past 5 years.
My family and I have always been welcomed with
open arms.
Preschool holds a special place in my heart, and
while we will miss Mrs. Dowers very much, we will
continue the work she has started to make this
Preschool be the best it can be.
I covet your prayers and your support as I step
into this new role God has so graciously given to
me. I look forward to the future of FCS and what
God has in store for His people.
God Bless, Mrs. Lindsey Wiser

FCS Blog

September 17, 2024
By Missy King

Life is full of uncertainties. Whether it's a sudden change in circumstances, the challenges of the world around us, or personal trials that seem
too heavy to bear, uncertainty can shake our foundation and leave us feeling lost. In moments like these, our faith becomes not just a guiding
light, but an anchor that keeps us steady amidst the storm.
The Bible is filled with stories of individuals who faced overwhelming uncertainty, yet held fast to their faith. Take Abraham, for example. He was
called by God to leave everything familiar behind and set out on a journey without knowing the destination. Or consider Joseph, who was sold
into slavery by his brothers, unjustly imprisoned, and faced years of waiting before seeing God's plan unfold. In each case, it was their
unwavering faith in God’s promises that sustained them through the darkest moments.
But how can we hold onto faith when life feels uncertain?
1. Remember God’s Faithfulness
When the future feels unclear, it's helpful to look back at how God has worked in your life. Psalm 77:11 says, "I will remember the deeds of the
Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old." Reflecting on God’s past faithfulness reminds us that He has always been in control, even when
things seemed impossible. If He carried you through before, He will do so again.
2. Trust in God's Sovereignty
Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him,
and He will make your paths straight." In times of uncertainty, it's easy to focus on the chaos around us and lose sight of God's overarching plan.
However, trusting that God is sovereign and that His plans are higher than ours gives us peace. He sees the bigger picture, and His ways are
always for our ultimate good.
3. Rely on God's Strength, Not Your Own
In moments of uncertainty, we may feel tempted to control everything ourselves, but our strength is limited. The apostle Paul reminds us in 2
Corinthians 12:9 that God’s "power is made perfect in weakness." When we feel weak, that’s when God’s strength can shine through the most.
Relying on Him allows us to endure hardships with grace, knowing that His strength is sufficient.
4. Stay Rooted in Scripture and Prayer
During uncertain times, God's Word is a solid foundation. It provides wisdom, comfort, and direction. Psalm 119:105 says, "Your word is a lamp
for my feet, a light on my path." Spending time in scripture reminds us of God’s promises and helps align our perspective with His truth.
Similarly, prayer helps us connect with God in a personal way, bringing our fears, hopes, and uncertainties before Him. In return, He gives us His
peace, which transcends all understanding (Philippians 4:7).
5. Embrace the Community of Believers
We were never meant to face trials alone. The church, our brothers and sisters in Christ, can offer support, encouragement, and accountability.
Hebrews 10:24-25 tells us to "consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together." In times
of uncertainty, surrounding ourselves with a strong faith community reminds us that we are part of something bigger, and God uses His people
to help carry one another’s burdens.
6. Keep Your Eyes on Jesus
Peter walked on water while his eyes were fixed on Jesus, but the moment he focused on the wind and waves, he began to sink (Matthew 14:29-
30). The same is true for us. When we fix our eyes on the problems surrounding us, fear and doubt creep in. But when we focus on Christ, we are
reminded that He is greater than any storm we face. He has already overcome the world, and in Him, we are more than conquerors.
Uncertainty is an inevitable part of life, but it doesn’t have to lead to fear or despair. By holding fast to our faith, trusting in God’s sovereignty,
and relying on His strength, we can navigate uncertain times with hope and peace. Remember, God is faithful, and He will carry you through
whatever you face today. Keep trusting Him, for He is the anchor that holds you steady, even in the storm.
In moments of doubt, let us cling to the promises of Isaiah 41:10, where God says, "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your
God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." In this, we find our hope and strength to keep moving
- Ms. Micheline King, FCS School Counselor

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