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FCS Blog

May 13, 2024
By Darcy Turner

A Fond Farewell
I have struggled to decide what I should say in this my last blog. As an elementary school principal
perhaps I should be sharing things you should be doing to prevent the summer slide, but I have
decided to take this opportunity to bid you all a heartfelt farewell.
As I reflect back over my time at FCS my heart is filled with so many memories. If you asked me what
I am going to miss the most or what was the most important thing to me about my position. My
answer to both questions would be the same...RELATIONSHIPS! In my time here I have met so many
wonderful people; young, old, and in between. I have come to believe that time taken to build a
relationship is never wasted. It is not always easy, but it is never time wasted .
So while I am looking forward to not waking up at 5 am and having free time during my days (I
hope) I know that I will miss the relationships that I have built with students, parents, grandparents,
and co-workers the most. I am so grateful for the time that I have spent with the families of FCS and
for all of the memories we have made and shared. I have learned so much and felt loved by all of
My prayer for you all is:
The Lord will always be first in each of your lives
Long lasting friendships will be cultivated because kindness and respect abound
Forgiveness and reconciliation will be given and asked for
A love of learning is cultivated because teachers and parents work together to set and help
students meet high expectations
I hope you all have a wonderful summer. I know our paths will cross again.
Forever in my heart, Darcy
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the
Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26

Proverbs 19:21 reminds us that while we may have many plans, the Lord's purpose ultimately prevails. Almost a year
ago, God unexpectedly placed the plan on my husband's heart for us to move back home, prompting a series of
events that opened doors and made a way for me to become a 5th-grade teacher at Faith Christian School.
Though my journey occasionally involved doubts and fears; my faith, prayer, and church family helped me submit
obediently to God's plan. From earning multiple degrees to serving in various leadership roles over my 16-year
career as an educator, I now see how God was preparing me for this calling which led me to humbly accept the
position as the elementary school principal at Faith.
Mrs. Turner has established a strong academic and spiritual legacy at Faith Christian School. Our charge now is to

build upon that foundation, further glorifying God by nurturing students to become Christ-centered world-
changers. With our eyes fixed on the Lord, we will raise up the next generation "trained in the way they should go"

(Proverbs 22:6).
I am honored and excited to have the opportunity to work with you all - students, parents, faculty, and staff. I look
forward to seeing how God will work in and through our FCS family of faith in the coming year.
Anchored in God's hope, promises, and blessings through Christ Jesus our Savior,
Valerie Rose, Ed. S.
Tested and Refined Isaiah 48:10